Annual General Meeting Sunday April 14, 2013

It was a great year for skiing, but sadly has come to an end.

The WCNSC held its Annual General Meeting on Sunday April 14th at 7:30 pm

Also, as in past years, please continue to provide feedback/comments on  your experience on the trails. The City of Ottawa partially subsidizes the operating costs of the club and testimonials from members and avid trail users are always appreciated. You can e-mail your comments to Bryan at or  Tammy at for collection and forwarding.

Thanks for your support again this winter, see you on the trails next year!

Thank You Volunteers for Trail Cleanup Day

A big thank-you goes out to the volunteers that came out on our clean-up day to clear the trails. We had great weather and got lots of clearing done.

If anyone is heading out for a hike in the Park, please feel free to bring along a pair of loppers/trimming tools for the bit of overhang/growth that could still use some clearing – the nice mild weather is forecasted to hang around a little longer so a great chance to get out and enjoy it .


West Carleton Nordic Ski Club – trail clean-up day

It’s that time of year again, leaves are falling and next comes the snow!  Once again we’re looking for helpers of all ages to join us in preparing the trails for the upcoming ski season. This is an excellent opportunity to enjoy the outdoors, check-out the trails, spend time with the family/friends and meet fellow skiers.

When: Saturday, October 27 2012 at 9:00 am

Where: Fitzroy Provincial Park entrance

What to bring: warm clothes (layers are good) and water bottle (rain gear if wet), and trail clearing tools.

For further information please contact Tammy at 613-277-4062

Thank-you and hope to see you there!

Please sign in when you ski!

As part of our agreement with the City of Ottawa to use the park we need to provide usage statistics.

We ask that all skiers and their guests sign our registration book at the front sign in the parking lot. These statistics are important to ensure we have continued funding from the City of Ottawa.

Trails are Cleared and Ready to Go; Time to Wish for lots of Snow! (November 1, 2010)

Many thanks to the 10 volunteers that braved the early morning and light rain to do a final sweep of all the trails (October 30, 2010). Plenty of snipping and clipping, followed by picking and tossing, happened along the perimeter trail. In addition several members moved across Canon Smith to the property of Neil and Tammy. The new 5 km loop had an abundance of stones and stumps that needed plenty of prying and heavy grunting to move out of the way.

The group gathered at “the cabin” for a lunch BBQ. Thanks to Tammy and Neil for hosting the very first Trail Clearing/BBQ Event.

Trail Clean-up Day (October 30, 2010)

Hit the trails early! Please join us – we’re looking for helpers of all ages to join us in preparing the trails for the upcoming ski season. Come on out for a couple hours – this is an excellent opportunity to enjoy the outdoors, check-out the trails, spend time with the family/friends and meet fellow skiers. This will be followed by a free lunch-time barbeque.

When: Saturday, October 30, 2010 at 8:30 am

Where: Fitzroy Provincial Park upper parking lot

What to bring: warm clothes (layers are good) and water bottle (rain gear if wet), and trail clearing tools

For further information please contact Bryan at 613-832-0627