22nd Anniversary Newsletter & Membership Renewal Campaign
Happy New Year to all, we’re already into our 22nd year of the club and winter came late, left and coming back soon! The trails opened a bit later this year due to both construction in the Park and an unusually warm December.
As work will continue on a new comfort station in the Park, some trails in Pine Grove Campground are being re-routed to avoid the affected area. For the most part, the only difference most skiers will notice are the two plowed road crossings near the beginning and end of the perimeter trail (to prevent the need for ski removal, an effort will be made to keep some snow on these road crossings).
Despite the late start, the heavy snow in early January had all conditions good until last weekend’s rainfall. Hopefully the forecast this weekend pans out with lots of snow.
The trademark of the WCNSC – Quality Trail Grooming
Once again there will be regular grooming of the trail surfaces to ensure that conditions are always as optimal as possible. You can count on re-grooming after significant accumulations of snow, usually 5 cm, and quite often grooming is completed on a Friday evening in preparation for heavier skier traffic on weekends. After the heavy snowfall last weekend, all trails are now groomed.
MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL – still the best way to support this volunteer effort!
Our last year’s membership had dropped slightly, likely due to the frigid temperatures. The number of drop-in skiers was slightly up.
Thank-you to our longstanding members who support us each year and welcome to those of you who are newcomers. The best way to support the club is to renew your membership and please tell your family and friends about the club, or bring them out to see for themselves.
Registration Process
As in prior years, there are two options for registering, but the preferred method is online as it reduces the time of processing registrations by hand.
1) Web Based Registration Process
Registering online is simple, just click on the Membership page of our website www.wcnordic.com and use the link “Online registration with e-payment options” which takes you to the website of our registration partner Zone4 and directly to the registration form.
The process is reasonably straight forward – however, if you need assistance, don’t hesitate to call Barrie Ashworth at 613-832-1685.
2) By Mail
If a paper copy of the registration form is preferred, you can pick one up from the parking lot registration bin. These need to be mailed to the club registrar for processing, along with your payment. Please ensure to include a signed waiver.
Registration Fees – changes this year
Through the hard work of several volunteers, the WCNSC has been able to provide a quality ski experience at a very affordable price. As a not-for-profit club, all membership fees go directly back into the club for operations and maintenance/repairs of equipment.
For the upcoming season, there is no change to membership fees which are as follows:
Adult | $35 | $45 |
Youth | $18 | $25 |
Family | $95 | $110 |
Note: the on-line registration adds $2-3 of processing fees depending on the method of payment.
Please sign in every time you ski!!!
Despite the fact that Fitzroy Park remains officially closed over the winter, ski club members, guests and day use skiers are permitted access to the park through the signed agreement with Ontario Parks. When a person or family supports the ski club by purchasing a membership, they are e-mailed a vehicle pass that should remain on their vehicle dash when in the park. Also, vehicles displaying an annual Ontario Parks Pass are permitted access to the park. ALL SKIERS are required to sign in the register, located at the far end of the parking lot, for every visit.
Please record the date, skier name(s) and vehicle license number. Day Use skiers are asked to support the efforts of the WCNSC by contributing a donation in the box beside the sign-in register. Seven dollars per skier per visit is suggested.
Please take the time to sign in -even if you are already a registered member. These statistics are important for the long term survival of the club. Accurate visitor information statistics are required by Ontario Parks and the City of Ottawa. This data is linked to funding submissions that we complete for the City.
Don’t try to second guess trail conditions by looking out your window!
The snow conditions you see from the kitchen or living room window are seldom the same as the conditions on the Perimeter Trail! The Park is quite a sheltered little enclave and it has its own microclimate. Snow accumulations and conditions vary greatly across this region and it is nearly impossible to predict the quality of the ski experience on these trails. Aggressive grooming creates a refrigeration effect that will protect trails through mild spells and extend the ski season.
If uncertain, check the website before you head out (wcnordic.com). The conditions are posted after every grooming or significant weather event. Please recognize that you may see an older date on this “Current Conditions” part of the site – this simply implies that the conditions have not changed since the site was last updated.
Also, as a friendly reminder, the park is public and shared by skiers and non-skiers alike. If you encounter any issues on the trails with other users, the best practice is to report any incident to the club executive through the website email link or by contacting Bryan directly.
Clubhouse and Special Events
We are very lucky to have use of a building within Fitzroy Provincial Park. The facility is equipped with a kitchen, washroom, fresh water and an area for ski waxing and tuning. Executive members will have a key and will try to have the facility open when skiing. If members want to use the facility at times that it may not be open, please call Bryan @ 613-832-0627. We encourage our club families or individuals to plan an event that takes advantage of this facility. A ski outing followed by a potluck snack or meal is a great way to entertain!
Posted events on the website continue to be the only times the clubhouse is guaranteed to be open. It is worth noting that many of the vault privies within the park are open and can be used in an emergency. Don’t forget to carry a little TP in your fanny pack!
Waxing clinics, orientation for new members, and introductory lessons are available upon request. Call Bryan @ 613-832-0627.
Also note there are 2 cabin rentals on the newer 5km loop of the trails if you would like to spend more than just the day – see the Resources page of our website for more information.
Kudos to all our volunteers
Many thanks continue to be directed toward the people that give up hundreds of collective hours to ensure the club runs smoothly. Special thanks to Sherri Audet as Treasurer, Jim Smedley as Secretary and Randy Belore as equipment manager. Additional volunteers include Barrie Ashworth who looks after membership registration, Chris Savage, who looks after the website and Tammy Meagher who handles club communications. Thank-you all!!
Your Feedback is welcome!
Over the years we have received very positive feedback from club members. Let us know how we can improve your outing or how the experience surpassed your expectations. Please continue to give us your comments and spread the word about one of “the best kept winter secrets” in West Carleton. We’d love to hear from you – just click “Contact Us” on our website. Also, please remember that this is a volunteer club, so if you feel you have the time and skills to help – we would love to hear from you. Hope you have a snowy and enjoyable 2016 ski season!
Bryan Dumouchel
WCNSC President
brypeg79@ gmail.com
Newsletter written by Tammy Meagher