Emergency Preparedness Plan

What to do in case of an Emergency

While our ski trails give you the enjoyment of nature and a sense of isolation, you are never very far from a travelled roadway in the case of an emergency.

When skiing, know where you are

The ski trails within Fitzroy Provincial Park are linked but are divided into two main parts:

  • Perimeter Trail – approx 5.5 kms in length (follows the perimeter of the Park)
  • Pine Grove (campground) Trail – approx 3.5 kms. (follows the roadways of a camping area)

NOTE: Remaining on the Perimeter Trail will return you to the parking lot

  • Cannon Smith Drive is the main road outside the Park to the east and Willola Beach Road is north of the Park.

In case of an emergency: Call 911

If you are on the trails and require emergency assistance, call 911. Fitzroy Park does have reasonable coverage for cellular phones.

If your situation allows, have a member of your party meet the emergency services at the main parking lot. This is the only true winter access for emergency vehicles.

Give complete information of your emergency situation to 911. The better the information, the more prepared the response will be to your needs.

Know your location. It will be important to know what trail that you are skiing on: Perimeter Trail, Pine Grove Trail or a roadway in the park (snowmobile trail)

Fitzroy Provincial Park – Civic Address:
Fitzroy Provincial Park – 5201 Canon Smith Drive, Fitzroy Harbour, K0A 1X0

Other considerations when skiing these trails:

  1. For any ski outing, be prepared for the unexpected.
  2. Ski with a buddy.
  3. If alone, tell someone where you are going, what ski trail(s) will you be taking, how long you will be, when you anticipate returning.
  4. Carry a map of the ski trails, cell phone, water, and extra clothing.

Ski Safe!